So, the important thing is to remove yourself from the equation with regard to your personal tastes. What is important, is to communicate the right message and feel to the markets that you wish to reach. You always have to keep in mind that this is your company, and although you are a principal player, the endgame is to reach more people and attract them to your products or services.
Doing so requires an understanding of the markets you’re trying to appeal to and the visual cues they respond to most. If you were designing high-end fashion footwear, your logo is going to look very different from the logo designed for sports footwear. Trying to design a logo that would appeal to both markets might lead to you failing to reach either market.
Furthermore, if you design your logo specifically for sports footwear by incorporating a running shoe into the design, you might be limiting the growth of your company when later you decide to venture into the production of sports apparel or sports equipment. Using the correct visual language of form, style, and color, a good logo designer can communicate the sports aspect of the company without being so specific that it limits you to just footwear.
It’s this discipline of attempting to predict future growth that logo designers need in order to serve you and your company best. All logo designers need to have a firm understanding of marketing so that they don’t put you and your marketing efforts at a disadvantage. A good logo needs to be versatile but focussed enough that it communicates what you are selling without being too specific unless it is a product logo for a specific product.
So keep this in mind when you hire a logo designer. Here at Logo Monster we have many years of experience and have learned just how to navigate the complexities of market research and company growth by creating logos that will work for the present and the future, taking your company to the next level and beyond.